Doctor Who & the Cop takes place between

The Deadly Assassin & The Face of Evil

You're now an Eight Bit character?" Officer Álvarez knowing he must be getting better, or was not injured as badly, due to joking.

"Unless he got turned around, he's still in here." Officer Álvarez wavering between checking her partner's ankle and keeping an eye out for Jenson, her leg happening to tap the area when repositioning, not noticing him smiling.


Officer Álvarez patting Write's back, head craned away not seeing Write's none too amused expression, patting his service weapon; when thinking he had swallowed wrong.

Jensen promptly lowered the barrel of his gun he was leveling upon both Officer Writer and Álvarez, prior to making for the exit.

But not before mouthing a well understood profanity or two and double barreling him with twin fingers.

"You really," turning her face back to him.  "your ankle it looks." Officer Alverez assuming his expression was still due to having twisting his ankle when his foot happen to catch the bricks just right

"No Ballroom dancing for you!" doing his best Soup Nazi impression, getting her to smile.

It felt like no time when the ambulance had arrived, and Officer Write was being carted off by their two best friends.  "I swear, you can't take him anywhere any more." Timon, whose their Turkish paramedic friend, whose real name is Bahadir, said knowing to this day he hated telling them that, that Lion King character was his favorite.

Knowing they are only doing it in jest, half the reason he sang an entire song during Karaoke night in that character.

"Alright, let's get you outa here." Bahadir's partner William saying, patting Write's head like a child.  "We'll get you back to your mommy so she can kiss it and make it fe'l all better." 

"You both timed that all too well." William and Bahadir pointing to each other and themselves when they stereoed the last several words, looking at them suspiciously.

"What a friend." Bahadir's voice soon vanishing behind the closed paramedic doors, while William could be heard agreeing.

"Maybe we should let him fall out in the middle..." not hearing where due to distance.

Officer Alverez shaking her head, she could be having the worst day, and one of those three could always spark a smile and lift her spirits.

Then it came!



too... familiar special signal just for her. 

Head dropping.  <Oh Shit!> her father's  <Go'Damnit> voice echoing in Spanish. 

'ATTENTION OFFICER,' hearing her badge number.  'WE HAVE A,' relaying the code for an Assault and Battery 'ON A 45 YEAR OLD MALE.' thinking why not just say the asshole's name at this point.

For whatever strange reason the homeless man has chosen her of all people to be her 'Emergency Contact' for whatever sick and twisted reason(s) in his brain.

Thinking the one time Garry could not have taken the keys with him.

Sighing hard, she pulls herself into the squad car and drives to the address of the park where the assault took place.




If there was some way she could get out this she would do it in a second.

Pulling up to the address, it was all she could do to pull her legs out of the car.

'It must be important.' she thought seeing the Detective from the 16th Precinct standing amongst others.

He was on the phone, as she passed she could hear him comment.  "...r. Yates, she's just now arriving." barely paying attention to what he was saying, but not understanding the Skunk Eye.

Just last month he and his female partner joined Garry and herself in a Karaoke One on One at one of the local cop bars against their paramedic friends and two others.

They got along like family, but now the Skunk Eye?

<What in the...> even if one did not understand Spanish, they had a feeling what she was saying.  <you get me the... into!all eyes soon fell upon Officer Alverez when she reached the shallow 

pedestrian steps that led down to the park area.

It was also then when the name she overheard the Detective from the 16th name dropped clicked.

As in Mike Yates.  As in UNIT's Head Public Relations Official, seeing UNIT soldiers, head turning to see the branch. And it dawning on her the address.

There at the bottom of the steps was not only the Detective's female partner, but William 's and Timon's ambulance? And there with doors wide, seated within was.


Moving closing, anyone observing were all too aware of the expression upon her face her true feelings.

What she wondered the most was, was how did William and Timon arrived so promptly, if they took Garry  to the particular hospital she knew they had?

Officer Alverez hearing the radio more and as she neared, along with the conversation, one sided that it was, between the female detective from the 16th and Jefferey.

"...lp you, if you do not," realizing from the light in his face she must have arrived.  "talk to me." the 16th Precinct Detective cocking her head some on the officer's approach.

"Sandy, you came!" eyes shifting between he and the detective.

"Maybe you can get him to talk," the Detective began.  "about what happened." telling she got nowhere

"He won't talk to me." Officer Alverez thinking how he will not.

"She-she could be wer-" eyes closed, holding two fingers up, the detective seeing they had gone down this path with this homeless  man far too many times.

Hand rubbing across her face and mouth.  "Jefferey, I told you, you can talk to anyone when ...not... around." the Detective telling that even the officer knowing how futile saying it slow would not, will not help.

The detective also realizing the officer had no clue who this 'Them' was Jeffery continually alluded to.









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